Care instructions

Follow our easy step-by-step instructions to see how to use, how to wash, how to fold and store Luckypads.

How to use

So you've purchased your LUCKYPADS and now are ready to see them in action. How to do that? There are no sticky backs and the top and bottom look difference. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

how to use luckypads

1. Place your LUCKYPADS over the inside of your underwear, pattern facing down.

2. Fold the wings over the outside of your underwear and fasten using the snaps.

We recommend you wear snug-fitting underwear to help LUCKYPADS stay close to your body. Unlike a disposable pad where the pad completely sticks to your underwear, LUCKYPADS is like another cotton layer to your underwear. So, you may have to readjust throughout the day to your comfort fit. But don’t worry! No need to take off the whole thing and re’stick’. You only need to pull it forward or backward.



How to wash

We never said washing cloth pads are easy, but we never said it's difficult either! Once you get into the routine, washing luckypads will be just like another simple point on your to-do list.

how to wash luckypads

1. Place used luckypads under running cold water and rinse out discharge as much as possible.
2. Fold pad in half and soak in cold water for min 2 hrs
3. Add washing detergent on the soiled area of the pad and gently rub until it lathers.
4. Hang dry (in the sun or indoors.)

Need Some Soap?

 Soap for luckypads

ㆍMachine wash in COLD water. (Hand wash preferred)
ㆍDo not use bleach.
ㆍDo not tumble dry.
ㆍDo not wring/twist
ㆍDo not iron
ㆍDo not dry clean

ㆍWash pads before first use.
ㆍUse only ecological plant-based laundry detergents and stain removers.
ㆍBoiling pads not recommended.
ㆍFully dry pads before storing.

ㆍPersonal use only. Do not share pads with others.
ㆍWash/soak used pads as soon as possible.
ㆍDo not wash used pads at public facilities.
ㆍIf outside, fold used pad, put in the appropriate bag and wash at home.



How to fold and store

We weren't so good at folding our LUCKYPADS right from the beginning either. Practice makes Perfect! You can easily fold LUCKYPADS from Pantyliners to Night Pads Plus.

Pantyliners & Day Pads & Day Pads Plus

 how to fold luckypads

Night Pads & Night Pads Plus

 how to fold night pads

Once you fold the pads, you can store them in the pouch like below.

 Pouch for luckyapds