Menstrual Cup User Guide 2022

Menstrual cups are a fantastic eco-friendly way to have your period! They're also affordable and discreet, which means you can save money in more ways than one. A menstrual cup is a small silicone or rubber cup inside your vagina. You can wear them for up to 12 hours, and they're so comfortable! In this article, we'll discuss the basics of using a menstrual cup so that when it's time for us to decide if they're right for you!!
1. What is a menstrual cup?
A menstrual cup is a feminine hygiene product inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid during menstruation. Menstrual cups are silicone, rubber, or latex, and they come in many different shapes. For example, some cups are shaped like a small cone or bell. They can be emptied and washed as needed throughout the day.
Menstrual cups come in different sizes, so measuring your cervix height and menstrual flow is essential before purchasing one.
Some menstrual cups can be worn for up to 12 hours, which may be more convenient than changing pads or tampons every few hours. Menstrual cups are also more economical in the long run since they can be reused.
Menstrual cups can be worn during swimming and other physical activities since the menstrual fluid is collected and cannot leak out.
2. How Does It Work?
Menstrual cups are made of hypoallergenic silicone. They catch your flow and prevent leaks from happening so you can go about your day usually. Empty the cup, wash it, and pop it back in!
A menstrual cup is inserted into the vagina and sits at the opening of the cervix. The cup collects menstrual fluid as it flows out of the uterus. When the cup is complete, it can be emptied into the toilet or sink and washed with soap and water. It can then be reused.
Some women need to empty their menstrual cups more frequently when their flow is heavy and less often when it's lighter. You'll know when to open your cup by checking the fluid level and color. For example, suppose it looks like coffee with cream!
3. Are menstrual cups safe?
There is a lot of debate surrounding the safety of menstrual cups. Some people believe that they can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), while others claim that they are safer than tampons.
There have been very few cases of TSS associated with menstrual cups, and it is just as likely to occur when using a tampon. Menstrual cups are not associated with an increased risk of TSS compared to tampons, and they do not increase the pH level in your vagina as some other products can.
The bottom line is this: menstrual cups are safe as long as you follow the manufacturer's directions and clean them regularly during your cycle. As with any other hygiene product, it is essential to read the instructions carefully before using a menstrual cup for the first time.
4. Tips for using a menstrual cup
One of the most common questions about menstrual cups is how to use them. Here are some tips for using your new cup:
How to insert a menstrual cup?
- Wash your hands and cup with soap and water
- Fold the cup in half (or into a "C" shape)
- Insert the folded cup into the vagina, pointing it back and down towards the opening of the cervix
- Release the cup to let it open up inside of you
- You may need to twist and wiggle the cup to get it into the correct position.
- Make sure the stem is sticking out of your vagina to remove it later easily.
How to remove a menstrual cup?
- Wash your hands and cup with soap and water
- Find the cup's stem and gently pull until it is a few inches below your vaginal opening.
- Pinch the base of the cup to prevent it from suctioning onto your cervix as you remove it
- Pull until it comes out, empty the contents into the toilet or sink, and rinse with water before reinserting.
5. How to choose the right size?
Most menstrual cups come in two sizes: "small" for women who haven't given birth vaginally or have a low cervix (less than five centimeters from the vaginal opening); and "large" for those who have had children or are over 30 years old. If you aren't sure which size is correct, try both and see which one feels more comfortable.
There are also two shapes of menstrual cups: the bell-shaped cup and the cone-shaped cup. The bell-shaped cup is wider at the top and tapers down to a smaller size, ideal for women with a high cervix. The cone-shaped cup is narrower at the top and broader at the bottom, making it better for women with a low cervix.
6. Do menstrual cups leak?
The short answer is yes; menstrual cups can leak. But they are less likely to leak than other options like tampons or pads because they collect your flow instead of absorbing it. So you don't have to worry about leaking through your clothes! However, if a cup does start leaking, then there are some things you can do to help stop it from happening again.
You should avoid inserting the cup too far up into your vagina, as this will cause it to leak more quickly than if you leave some space between its rim and cervix. You also don't want to insert a dry vaginal cup because that may worsen by causing an air pocket inside your vagina, which will lead to more leaks.
Another thing that may help is using a liner with the cup, so you have some extra protection against leaking while it fills up during your period time frame. You could also try wearing panty liners underneath, although this isn't necessary since menstrual cups do not increase your risk of TSS.
7. How to change menstrual cups in public toilets?
If you're using a menstrual cup for the first time, it's essential to know how to change it in public toilets. It can seem daunting at first, but it becomes easy with practice! Here are some tips:
- Please wash your hands and cup with soap and water before changing it.
- Next, remove the cup by gently pulling on the stem until it's a few inches below your vaginal opening.
- Next, pinch the base of the cup to prevent suctioning onto your cervix, and pull it out slowly.
- Finally, empty the toilet or sink contents and rinse with water before reinserting.
8. How do I know when my menstrual cup is full?
You will feel it. When your menstrual cup is complete, you'll be able to think that it has filled up with fluid and is ready to be emptied. That can take some time to get used to, but this step becomes second nature once you use a menstrual cup. Emptying your cup before it's complete is more comfortable and helps keep it in good condition.
If you're not sure if your menstrual cup is complete or not, there are a few ways to check:
- Look at the cup's stem and see how far down it is. Is it still visible, or have you been trying to pull on the stem, and nothing's happening?
- Feel around the rim of your cup with your fingers to see if there are any fluid deposits. Then, you can gently squeeze the sides together to push out any air bubbles that might be trapped there.
- If you have a menstrual cup with markings, check if the fluid has reached those lines.
If your menstrual cup is complete and you're not comfortable emptying it right away, there are a few things you can do:
- First, wear a panty liner to help soak up any excess fluid.
- If you are looking for ways to make your menstrual cup last longer, try using a larger size. If you are unsure how long it will be until you have access to private facilities again, switch to using a pad for the remainder of the day.
- If you have a reusable cloth pad, you can also try soaking it in cold water and wrapping it around your menstrual cup to help reduce the amount of fluid that escapes.
No matter what method you choose, remember not to leave your menstrual cup in for longer than 12 hours so as not to increase your risk of developing a yeast infection or Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS).
9. How to clean a menstrual cup?
Cleaning your menstrual cup is essential in keeping it in good condition and avoiding any infection. Here are a few simple steps to follow:
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your menstrual cup.
- Rinse the cup under warm water to remove any blood or fluid.
- Apply a small amount of mild soap or menstrual cup cleaner to the cup and use your fingers to clean it gently.
- Pay special attention to the stem and the holes in the cup's rim, as these are areas where bacteria can accumulate.
- Rinse the cup thoroughly with warm water until all of the soap has been removed.
- Dry the cup with a clean towel before storing it in its storage bag or container.
- Never use boiling water to clean your menstrual cup, as this can cause warping and damage to the silicone material.
If you are away from home and do not have access to running water or soap for cleaning purposes, then there are other ways to dispose of your menstrual cup:
- Wrap it in toilet paper and throw it away in the trash.
- Double bag the cup with two plastic bags and tie them together so they don't leak onto anything else before throwing it out.
- Please bring a water container to rinse any blood or fluid from the cup before throwing it away.
Remember that whatever method you choose, it is essential to clean your menstrual cup after every use to avoid any build-up of bacteria.
10. How to Sterilize Menstrual Cups?
The best way to sterilize your menstrual cup is by boiling it in water for about five minutes. Be sure to let the cup cool down before using it. You can also use a sterilization pouch or microwave sterilizer to disinfect your cup. You can also use cold water and alcohol wipes to clean your cup if you are traveling.
11. How to maintain the menstrual cup?
It would help if you cleaned your menstrual cup with water after every use. You can also sterilize the menstrual cup once a month to keep it in good condition. Please do not allow any dust or dirt to accumulate on the rim of your menstrual cup, as this could cause an infection when you reuse it without cleaning.
Menstrual cups are silicone, making them easy to clean with soap and water. Once you have cleaned your cup with warm water, it is safe to reuse it again for the next cycle.
You can also use a mild soap to wash the menstrual cup before reusing it.
Menstrual cups come with different cleaning instructions depending on the brand, so follow them carefully when washing your cup first!
12. How often to replace the menstrual cup?
Your menstrual cup will last for years if you take care of it. Make sure to replace your period cups every 1-2 years, as they may have tears or holes from use! It is especially true if you wear them for an extended time (i.e., longer than 12 hours). However, it's important to remember that all bodies are different; some people may need a new cup every few months while others can use the same one year after year!
13. Why should you switch to a menstrual cup?
There are many reasons why you should switch to a menstrual cup, but here are just a few:
- They're environmentally friendly
- You can wear them for up to 12 hours without having to change it
- They save you money in the long run
- They're made of silicone, which is body-safe
14. Where to buy a menstrual cup? (LUCKYPADS has a menstrual cup on sale)
If you want to buy a menstrual cup, LUCKYPADS has a great selection. You can choose from different brands and sizes to find the perfect fit for your needs. Plus, LUCKYPADS prices are unbeatable! Shop today and start enjoying your period experience even more.
Menstrual cups are an eco-friendly, safe and affordable alternative to tampons or pads. If you've never tried one before, now is a perfect time! There are many benefits to switching from tampons or pads to a menstrual cup, including less risk of TSS, no dryness caused by pads or tampons, and they're biodegradable!
LUCKYPADS offers a wide selection of cups at discounted prices online, so you don't have to worry about going out for supplies during your time of the month. Have more questions? You can LUCKYPADS at any time!