How to Judge Your Health by Your Period?


The period is one of the normal physiological phenomena of women, and it is also a barometer of women's health. Through the state of the period, we can roughly judge some conditions of the body, so as to prevent and control it in time and maintain good health.

What's a Normal Period?

Menstrual period: The period of vaginal bleeding is called the menstrual period. Most people's menstrual period lasts for 3-5 days, but it is as short as 1-2 days and as long as 7-8 days is also within the normal range.

Menstrual blood volume: Menstrual blood volume in normal menstrual period is 30-50 ml, but 20~120ml is also within the normal range.

Characteristics of menstrual blood: Menstrual blood is characterized by non-coagulation and dark red. In addition to blood, menstrual blood also contains fragments of endometrial shedding, cervical mucus and vaginal epithelial cells.

Menstrual cycle: The first day of the period to the first day of the next period is called the menstrual cycle. The vast majority of people are between 28-35 days, but there are also a few people who have a menstrual cycle as short as 20 days or as long as 45 days. Within the above range, as long as menstruation is regular, it is a normal phenomenon.

Blood clots: What are the blood clots during period? The doctor's explanation is: If the menstrual blood is blocked in the same area and not drained in time, a blood clot will form if it accumulates for 5 to 10 minutes. A blood clot usually comes after waking up in the morning or after sitting for a long time.

Period suddenly stopped: If your period suddenly stopped, you must first rule out the possibility of pregnancy. If you're not pregnant, check your lifestyle: Travel, stress, strenuous exercise, excessive weight loss, and climate change can all affect your menstrual cycle. Hormonal and thyroid imbalances can also lead to prolonged menstrual cycles. In addition, having polycystic ovarian cysts (PCOS) or long-term use of progesterone-based oral contraceptives can also lengthen the menstrual cycle.

How to see the health of the body from the color of the period?

1. Bright red blood


Bright red blood is a healthy color compared to other menstrual colors. The bright red indicates that the endometrial shedding speed is faster. After the period comes, the shedding is more clean and neat, and it will end very quickly. This is a very good phenomenon, indicating that women's bodies are very healthy, but it has a premise that if the menstrual cycle is relatively normal, if the end of the period is relatively late, or even delayed, it is necessary to be vigilant health problems.

2. Darker red blood


Dark red is blood also the menstrual color that most women will have, and it is normal to have blood clots. This phenomenon shows that women's health is very good. If there is dark red menstrual blood, it means that the uterus is being purified and decontaminated, indicating that the function of the uterus is better. But it should be noted that if the dark red blood clot lasts for more than three days, you need to be vigilant.

3. Brown blood


Some women also experience brown blood along with very light flow. Women do not have a constant flow during their period. They are relatively light at the beginning, but have a heavy flow in the middle of the period or two to three days. If in this period of relatively heavy flow, there is still brown blood, it is necessary to be alert to whether it is caused by endocrine disorders.

4. Pink blood


If a woman finds that her menstrual blood is pink blood, or even has a light pink feeling, it means that there is a certain problem with the woman's physical condition. First of all, if a woman has pink blood, it may be pregnant. At this time blood volume is relatively small. In addition, women who often stay up late, or lose weight excessively may experience pink menstruation.

Different colors of menstrual blood indicate different health conditions of women. Women can observe the color of their menstrual blood during the period, make a preliminary judgment on their health status, and then go to the hospital for a more detailed examination.

How to take care of during the period?

1. Keep the vulva clean.

Scrub the vulva with lukewarm water every night and use a breathable menstrual product.

2. Pay attention to regulating emotions and combine work and rest.

Excessive emotional fluctuations and tension will cause dysfunction between the central nervous system and the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which will affect the secretion of gonadotropins and cause irregular menstruation. At the same time, heavy physical labor and strenuous exercise should be avoided during menstruation. Excessive pelvic congestion, causing menorrhagia, prolonged menstruation, abdominal pain, backache, etc.

3. Pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm.

Pay attention to keeping the abdomen warm during the period, which can promote the drainage of menstrual blood.

4. Avoid sex.

Endometrial exfoliation and bleeding during the period, there are wounds in the uterine cavity, the pH of the vagina changes, and the defense function is reduced. If you have sex, it is easy to bring in bacteria and cause genital inflammation.


Through the above introduction, I believe that female friend have a certain understanding of the normal period. We can judge our physical health by the situation of our period. If there is abnormal menstruation, you should consult your doctor in time.

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